Keeping It Real

Last Update: October 10, 2009

My First Day At Wealthy Affiliate


I must admit that I was a bit overwhelmed when I first joined Wealthy Affiliate. I started with the getting started tutorial, and found that the navigation is well designed. The information here has already made me confident enough to know that I CAN make a living at Internet marketing. 

I have yet to set any goals, save reading and learning as much as I can this first month. I have great deal to learn and even more to do in the upcoming days/weeks/months/years, but I have always welcomed challenges. I actually thrive on them. If I'm not challenged enough, I seem to lose my footing and my momentum. From what I am learning, I will never be short of challenges to conquer in this field. 

 I have to be honest at this point. I'm gonna to have to "change my mindset" during the upcoming weeks. I've never been one to take failure well - Not that I am certain to fail, but chances are that I will not be making a HUGE income with my first several campaigns. I plan on utilizing the techniques I am learning, but there is a learning curve to Internet Marketing, and I'm sure that my lack of experience will hinder me in the beginning.

With that being said, my resolve is VERY strong. The resources, the members, and the wealth of information here at Wealthy Affiliate assure me of success, but only if I apply myself and work hard to make it work.

I have labored 12 + hours per day pouring concrete, weed eating highways, and a host of other remedial labor jobs. If I can put that much time and effort into working for someone else, I can certainly do the same when it comes to building my own business. ANYTHING in life worth doing, is worth working for and worth putting you heart and soul into.

That's my motto and one I will certainly fall back on in the future (My Grandfather taught me this basic work ethic years ago).

So, how was my first day here at Wealthy Affiliate? It was GREAT! Thank you Kyle and Carson for creating such a informative and useful community.



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