About Getagrip
Joined December 2005
My name is Keith, and I've been at this internet marketing thing for a while now. Thankfully, I've had moderate success as an internet marketer, but I think I can do a lot better.

Recently, I wrote an ebook called the Affiliate Inventor, which you can find more information about at http://AffiliateInventor.com

Outside of internet marketing, I'm an avid fantasy football fan, play a lot of internet chess, and like to do a number of different things like swing dancing and biking.

Recently, I put together a website, http://TheologyAndBeer.com which discusses different issues about Christianity that a lot of people don't think about or discuss.
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shanakoma Premium
Hey there! How's it goin? That Christian theology website would be a great idea! God bless! Shan
Nes Zar Premium
Hi Keith.

My main pastime is Theology.

It means Theo=God Logy=Discussion. So Theology is the discussion about God.

Christianity is the community of people who are believing what Jesus(= the Savior) Christ (= the anointed one) did and taught (Acts 1, 1) and that it is summarized in this rule " Love God more than yourself and love your near by as your self".

These people are trying to live this way, having Christ's life as a pattern to follow, through the poured love that is given to them by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5, 5) and that is reserved to those that became Christians as a result of being baptized because they have believed and upon receiving proper instruction ( Matthew 28, 19) from the Church which is the body of the Christian community with Christ being the head and the founder.

If someone accepts all the above he certainly believes in the deity of Jesus Christ which is one of the persons of God, among the others who are the Holy Spirit and the Father.

With those being said I hope to contribute a little to the discussion of your subject.

God bless you and your family
instead Premium
Theology and beer? Sounds interesting. I first saw you at WAHF. I just joined here after a year of frustration using Profit Lance.

BTW, have you see Zeitgeist the movie?
zuoguanggao Premium
Interest post about theology and beer
zcool16 Premium
hey Keoth I see that you have a long time here. How are things going, I'm new here so I just wanted to know how it has been for people that have been with this for some time. thanks
Getagrip Premium
HI Fabio. Welcome to WA! To answer your question, it is going well - WA has been good to me, and will be good for you as long as you apply what you learn. Take care.