Hi my name is Dora. I have been thinking of doing this for too many years. Thinking and not doing! So my new moto is JUST DO IT! I really want to do this and do it well. I am determined more than anything. I'm looking forward to learning and meeting others through WA. I want to be able to give up my full time job. I live in Sydney Australia.
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Welcome to WA, the trick to this is to be patient and keep at it. I stated a note book and I have 3x5 cards stuck all over my monitor , my office is a War Room. I am new at this but I can see what I do not get in the lesson plans I go to the Forum and look for the same question that some other member submitted, or I submit my question my self. I am always amazed how every one is so helpful. I also see what use to take me days to do I now do in a moment so I see once I get all my ducks in a row I can repeat the process with speed. You will see this also and become a professional, become so successful that your present job will be nothing but a memory. A memory of when you where not making real money and did not like what you where doing.
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Hi Dora, I am new to this too. a lot of info to retain but with your attitude you should do fine. I wish you success and feel free to visit my space and say hi. Jack B
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