Julie & Julia

Last Update: November 05, 2009

Curled in my sofa bed on a cold's winter night and while recovering from the after effects of Swine Flu; I decided that it was time to put a film on called Julie & Julia.

Not knowing what I was about to watch it was more than comforting to a new marketer like myself to find out that it is all about blogging.

Julie & Julia is about an ordinary girl in her 30s who sets the goal of accomplishing Julia's Child "The Art of Mastering French Cooking" recipies in 365 days! 

After I watched it I searched online and found the original blog entries of Julia Powel.

There was the complete project, the one that has made Julia Powel an established writter, for being able to express her personal admirations towards Julia Child and her work, and... ofcourse the film "Julie & Julia". 

The story is real and the film is....well; you really have to watch it, do not just take my word for it.






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