Posts by GMC 2
August 07, 2010
I always used to ask how much time this business would take to be successful. I'm not convinced that is the right question anymore. I should have been asking "what fuels your focus and makes you take action so that time management is no longer an issue?" Action is the only thing that makes a difference between people who just learn about making money online and people who change their lives by working online.  How is it that I know this, yet struggle with consistent
June 07, 2010
Today is a great day to post my first lens. I'll tell you there is a ton of great info on bum marketing here and I'm privileged to be soaking it all up. I've got good keywords, tested by all the tricks I know, good title, content (maybe lengthy but I'm just new) and some products. Now all I need are back links.Seems elementary or at least it will be in a week or so. I'll laugh at myself then.