About Goddess
Joined June 2009
According to the 8 week action plan, my first task of the week is to set up a profile and introduce myself to the community. So... my name is Vicky, and I'm not an alcoholic. Actually, I'm a writer (read: broke), and the stress tends to drive journalists to the bottle at some point. I'm trying to avoid that, though, by generating a better income for myself.

I hail from the great continent of Africa - living rather close to the bottom, actually. But my fair hair ensures that my skin will do little other than go pink, so it seems I'm destined to look like an albino for the rest of my life. My diet consists mainly of plant matter, hence the picture, which keeps my grocery bill to a minimum. If I can ever afford a place with a garden, I'd love to start growing my dinner.

Having spent a good chunk of my childhood in the bush, I am absolutely in love with the environment and absolutely appalled by global warming. While I love adventuring the outdoors (and have even adventured off to climb Kilimanjaro at the end of last year before the ice cap has comletely melted), I'm just as happy painting the town red with my girlfriends or curled up at home with a book or playing games (read into that what you will). Does that make me blithe and bonny? I like to think so... ;)

What I like about the concept of affiliate marketing is that it plays to some of my natural strengths - writing and designing. I'm a complete and utter n00b with NO CLUE as to what I'm doing, which is why I decided to part with some of my precious cash and join WA. I'm really excited about it. There's so much more here than I expected to find!

I've already written some affiliate articles for other people, but now it's time to start investing in myself. Ok, so the intro's done, now it's on to the sticky's. Woohoo! Let's get to it!
Goddess's Accomplishments

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Internetgranny Premium
Hi Vicky,

Just read your message to Keith and love the way you are focusing on getting the 'homework' done first, before getting too sidetracked by other people's websites. I think this sort of discipline is going to be important. I suppose you are now in the middle of week 3, just one week ahead of me. But week 2 has lots and lots of things to do so I'd better get my skates on...

All the best

P.S. I'm adding you as a buddy, hope that's ok.
nai_prue15 Premium
Hi Vicky!
I am also new in WA, just joined about a week ago. You really sound like a good writer. Have you finished
any of the courses yet? I am trying to create my site and i was thinking I'd put up a page solely for WA stuff
I am trying my best to give a brief of WA, i was thinking if you could take a look at it when i finish, and maybe
you could give me your comment. Thanks!
me your comment.
nai_prue15 Premium
"Thanks! He just turned 1 last march... Have you tried bum marketing, or forum marketing yet?"
goddess Premium
Hi! Sure, I'd be happy to look over your site when it's done. I'm on on week 3 of the 8 week plan at the moment, yet I still feel like I'm at a bit of a loss when it comes to keywords. By the way, your son is adorable! How old is he now? :)
skydivingdiva Premium
Great to "meet" you! :-) We are excited to have you as a part of our community. I wish you the best of luck...and I look foward to your wonderful success story!
cocobolo Premium
OK, OK, we are all waiting to see something in your "about me" in your space. Fabulous name and lovely pic!
goddess Premium
Oh, you have a veggie garden! I'm absolutely green with envy. And you live on solar power? My hero! :) If that lake in the background is the view from your home, I'm officially sold on your retirement plan.
rallenk Premium
Welcome to our community Goddes! Take full advantage of all you can find here...It's all awesome!

goddess Premium
Thanks! The plan is to hit the ground running! ;) I'm very excited - this site seems super-organized.