Wealthy Affiliates real agenda--Politics?

Last Update: August 09, 2010

Wealthy Affiliates real agenda--- Politics?

 Please don’t lose focus. Can a politician teach us about internet marketing?

WA has a lot of factual information. Don’t let the word get out that it’s a soap box for opinions vs. a solid educational platform. Until now It has been a dominating power when it comes to being focused on offering a high quality product. The only ones that get rich discussing politics and religion are politicians and preachers. The rest of us get caught up in the debate and in the process we alienate, judge and lose out. Once again please keep the environment of this great university a comfortable place for all to learn- Minus Politics and Religion.

Honestly fellow students we really have so much more to talk about.


Man is kind enough when he is not excited by religion. (and politics)
- Mark Twain; A Horse's Tale

I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's.
- Mark Twain in Eruption

Best of success to you all.

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joniki Premium
I completely agree but sadly there are those that so desperately need attention they will post any garbage they see fit to get that attention.

The rest of us actually spend or time on WA sharpening our business tools and growing an income.

Trust me when I say all are nowhere near what they want us to believe they are.

"Our money making ambitions seem to have this threatening cloud overhead?" Exactly how is that?...There is absolutely no such thing.

Remember awhile back when the sky was falling because the FCC was going to round up and all but execute us affiliate marketers?

As predicted NOTHING became of it.

Focus on your business and let these "fear mongers" choke on their messages of the impending Dooms Day.

It will never really come but they like using it to get attention.

Attention they do not deserve but constantly have to have to justify themselves as players.

It is a distraction from our goals that we do not need. I can get that garbage from any radical political forum out there if that's what I want to read.
Uh oh! ...naw...I'd better get some work done on my campaigns. I've had enough politics for one day.
Slugger_mn Premium
Sad that they are all in the mixing pot together these days..
jatdebeaune Premium
Nicely put. I guess WA is not the place to voice political concerns. At the moment, our professional money making ambitions seem to have this threatening cloud overhead. Is it the open road we once had? As an American, sorry GoldenRN, I am concerned about our financial futures. I'm very positive and optimistic by nature. I believe deep down that we're all going to come out of it just fine. That said, I do agree that this is not the platform for these discussions.