My 26 Days Article Marketing Club Journey

Last Update: February 11, 2011

I am wowed at so much progress myself and many members who joined the article marketing club have made. I joined the club after a month of joining wealthy affiliate. I must say I was not sure what to expect of it all. I was afraid the learning curve would be too hard for me. This IM thing freaks me out especially when it comes to the money making niche.

However I have been greatly amazed at what I have achieved in the past 26 days. I was not able to follow through with all tasks because of my health and other limitations due to my location but I did as much as I could.

Now internet marketing is beginning to make sense to me. How it all works and how it should all be put together.

In these 26 days, I have managed to set up a multi-page blog with numerous posts and also written a number of articles for EZA and street articles which have been accepted.

To me that is a great achievement as I remember how much I struggled with the whole idea of keyword research, writing articles especially the killer headlines and resource boxes.

I have also learned some really cool internet marketing strategies that really work.

Of course the best part of it all is that I have all my emails saved and will use them as my IM blueprint and simply rinse and repeat the process for each new campaign I start .

In a nutshell here is the IM blue print( cool IM strategies that really work) I got form the article marketing club that I know if I rinse and repeat, I cant go wrong. a website relevant to your domain and WA makes it possible to do that in minutes

2. research relevant concepts to create  pages on your site

3. research relevant keywords for each page concept and write posts accordingly

4. create back links to your site by bookmarking, article submission and commenting on other peoples blogs

5. back up your site

6. add google adsense

7. add screen shots 

8. continue to add pages and posts relevant to your site as well as write articles for back links,

9. rinse and repeat

Now it all makes sense. We are not finished yet. Still have four days to go and I will come back and add the strategies implemented on the last four days.

I remember having so much trouble trying to figure out  whether my anchor links should be directly for my WA affiliate link or for the WA review site on my blog.

Now I simply add anchor links for my WA Aaffiliate links and then at the end of the post, I simply say, need more information on WA, click here for my complete WA review where i discuss the advantages and disadvantages of WA.

I thought i should write this so that if anyone out here is as confused as I was this can help clarify things a little. Though I am new and less experienced than many others please feel free to ask me questions if you are new and think I can help.

  If I can't answer I will refer you to someone else, or simply post your questions on the forum.

As for the older and successful Imers I look up to, please feel free to comment on this post and give me more advice that will help me.

I have not started earning a penny yet but I am in this for the long haul. Knowing what to do makes IM all the more interesting and I am sure I will start reaping dividents soon enough.

Thank you WA and all members for making this place the number 1 internet marketing course and forum.








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Labman_1 Premium
Nice to hear you are making good progress Suzzy.