About Greenh99
Joined July 2008
Hello fellow wealthy affiliate peeps! That's me on the photo with the Eiffel Tower as background. Paris - what a great city! I hope to go back there soon. I was fortunate enough to visit this great city because my day job required me to go to that area for work purposes. But now that I've found Wealthy Affiliate and have seen the power of affiliate marketing, I plan to go back there for a vacation, with my wife and kids to enjoy every minute that the city can offer!

I am relatively new to affiliate marketing. I have just recently started reading ebooks and other informative stuff related to affiliate marketing and now that I'm in WA, I'm sure this is where I will learn a lot. Hope to see and talk to a lot of you guys, both for help and just for laughs!
Greenh99's Accomplishments

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ManWithPlan Premium
Welcome to WA! I am new to IM too.
I am sure we will all learn alot about affiliate marketing here~
Good luck and have fun!
p.s. Your picture is AWESOME!
greenh99 Premium
Hey MWP! Thanks for the welcome! So young and already starting out with affiliate marketing...how I wish I could have been exposed to this great opportunity at your age. Glad you liked the eiffel tower pic. Can relate to your post about action plan for week 1 being too short...can't wait for week 2 to start!
Successful Troy Premium
Welcome to WA! I hope everthing is giong well for you so far. I just joined a few days ago also. It is kind of confusing at first, atleast i thought it was. My girlfriend loves the french laguage and wants nothing more than to go to france. I hope WA will be able to give me the abiltiy to give her that as a gift sometime.

Successful Troy Premium
Sounds like a plan!!
greenh99 Premium
Hey Baxter! Thanks for the welcome! Here's to a fulfilling journey towards a great IM business for us both! Maybe one of these days you could take your girlfriend to France while I take my family there and we could meet up! What do you think?!?! :D
TJ Books Premium
Welcome to WA! Work hard and use the forums. You will learn here!

John T Jones, Ph.D.
TJ Books Premium
Thanks for your comments.
greenh99 Premium
Thanks for the welcome TJ. I'll be downloading your 20 steps to internet marketing and will add them to my collection of ebooks!
RedRose Premium
Hi greenh99,

I hope to travel everywhere when I become more successful here. Good luck in your journey at WA.! :)
greenh99 Premium
Hello Red Rose! Lovely to get a note from you....lovely flowers too! Traveling to different places sounds fun! Here's to seeing you in Rome sometime!
Ezinewriter Premium
Welcome to WA! I hope you enjoyed Paris? I was born and raised in Lyon, France and lived in Paris for 5 years.
The Eiffel tower has always been one of the most impressive monument I've ever seen!
Hope you enjoy your stay here at WA and learn lots and lots :)
greenh99 Premium
Hi Sylviane! Thanks for dropping a note! Oh I absolutely loved Paris! And if given a chance, I would definitely want to go back. Now that we've got WA, there's no reason why we can't succeed in IM. See you at the top!