Posts by Harrit 3
September 27, 2009
Thanx to PotPieGirl, and her latest Tutorial, the step-by-step guide I made my first 200 Article posts today :) I am rather proud of my self!  I broke one of my fingers thursday, so it's rather hard going from 360 keyboard-hits per minute, to 300 per hour, but I managed it afterall... I also found a perfect tool for me to use with Freetrafficsystem. That gives me 30 blog-articles there - and with the help to spin the articles they are all 30 uniqe articles.. Have a look at Magic Article R
September 16, 2009
After reading and studying in about a week here at WA, I've made up my mind...I'll aim for the top; - I'm gonna be a WA Super Affiliate! I'll try to write in my blog almost every day, as my diary as my journey goes on.. it will be great one day, to look back at it and read how it started, what went wrong, what went right and so on :) (It will probably be good practice for my english aswell...) Time to learn how to make a search-friendly website, with good, relevant content, then I'll start bee
September 15, 2009
So the WA launched theire new site today..seems great - a couple of small bugs - like the date in my WA Spaces(1969... :) ) -I'm sure they'll work it out, so I'm not worried.. My only consern right now is that I can't find my 8-week-starer-course again here at WA....I've just finished the 1. week, so I was excited to get going.... Well....just wait and see, I guess....It'll show up :)