WIld Horses in My Yard

Last Update: December 21, 2010

Early this morning, my kitty (aka "Baby Doll") went running from room to room, meowing with a particularly insistent call.

I have learned over the past month or two that when she has heard or seen the wild horses she goes a little berserk. My house is part of a horse preserve in Placitas, NM.  So, I ran around the house following her. And, sure enough, there were three beautiful white horses in the back yard.  One rolling in the dirt!  

They are magnificent, and I feel so lucky to be this close to them.

And I'm so pleased my cat has found a way to let me know when they're around.


Have a Great Holiday!

Anne "Hazie"




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webkab Premium
I love the pic of the wild horse. My dream of being in NM some day. My wife and I will be there on Saturday. That's right on Christmas evening. We will be in Santa Fe for the week with my Brother and his wife visiting some friend that we both know. LOVE NEW MEXICO. WA will help get me there.
MVF Premium
Sounds magical, I'm jealous! Happy Holidays!
Sherion Premium
I have reindeer hanging around in my backyard. Well they may be made of plastic but they are there. lol
Labman_1 Premium
But Joan, where would you put it, it won't hang out in the attic like your current guests.
What a wonderful experience for yo Anne.
jatdebeaune Premium
I'll trade you 30 bats for one wild horse. Have a great holiday!