Last Day Here Today

Last Update: December 12, 2010

Hey Everyone

Today is my last day here for a while. It's truly amazing what I learned here in just 2 months. I have not been active in the forum or here on my blog, but I instead spent the time focussing on actually doing productive training and building sites that have made me a few bucks so far. I have spent 6 hours average every day, except Sundays since 14 October 2010 when I joined here and took the first step into online marketing. It has paid off for me and I took maximum advantage of the resources in the time I spent here. Luckily I trained myself to be independant from the services offered here that required me to stay dependant ie, hosting, tools, products etc.

I have joined another community, which is much much smaller, but alot more focussed and for me personally more beneficial at the moment and a natural step forward. I would have been lost there if I did not have the basic knowledge that I learned here, so for that  I am grateful. I want to leave all of you on a good foot and I do not rule out the possibility to come back here and put something back into this community.

I want to thank each and everyone who's input made this possible for me. I have no way of thanking you except by giving out gold and there is no one in particular, so I will give out my gold to the first 10 people who read this and post something below.

I wish you all the success, and the best advice I can give anyone new to IM is, not to lose focus and become tangled in "socialising" without making progress. Keep your focus, stop wasting time and TAKE ACTION!!!

Yours truly,




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Labman_1 Premium
Congratulations and good luck with your new endeavor. Sounds like you have made good progress and have shortened the curve. Keep it up and come back when you can.
NEA03 Premium
Wow, seems like you've made a lot of progress in just 2 months. Best of luck to you. I'm gonna try and take your advice on "socializing" Hope to see you back here someday telling us all the great things you've achieved. -Irma
There's certainly wisdom in how you've spent your time here. As for me, I needed the Forum because it has given me a lot of needed experience in communicating with other people I don't know. I had a blog here but got into some trouble with it, so the best thing I thought I would do with that is just get rid of it. That got rid of the temptation to be messing around with something that would do little more than waste my time and others' as well.

The Forum can be an indispensable place to get help. I can attest to my latest Forum thread there. It came to the point I really needed to put one of my campaigns up so everyone could see it. It worked very well!

It's always sad to see people leaving WA, and I've come close myself, but at least you are headed for what you feel would be best for you. As for me, I need WA, at least for a while longer. This is a wonderful program. It has its problems, but what program doesn't? Nice to have these resources here, but I can really spin out a lot of your time if you are not careful!

I cannot afford that in my case.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers to your success in 2011 and beyond Henry!
jatdebeaune Premium
Henry, You don't have to give me gold for this. Just thanks for the good advice and God's speed.