Last Update: September 01, 2010

Oh god. I'm so screwed. Got fired today at work. What will happen next? 

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Heyr Premium
I didn't enjoy my job. Because that's the best I could get in my situation jatdebeaune. Anyway, thank you for you support guys. ^_^
jatdebeaune Premium
That's a rough thing. Can you collect unemployment? Did you enjoy your job? I'm an optimist. There might be something better waiting around the corner that will be more interesting and leave you more time for online work.
erussell Premium
The way I see it, you have two solutions:

1) Many people work their hardest when they're put into a situation where they NEED to make money. Perhaps this is the time for you to truly see what you're able to accomplish online.

2) I personally wouldn't take the first path, at it can still be very risky. Instead, I would look for another job, perhaps part-time, and still focus on my online endeavors.
Slugger_mn Premium
Do what you gotta do! work work work online!
Jamie Smith Premium
I am so sorry to hear about you losing your job today!