An Internet Marketing Cliche - Today's Failures Can Be Tomorrow's Success

Last Update: December 17, 2010

As marketers we know all to well what it feels like to fail at something we intended to succeed at. And we also know that when you do slip and fall back from a goal, or a quota that giving up just isn't an option. Let me give you an example from a story I read.

"It all happened in one day. In one day the business man could choose his tee time at the nicest golf course in the country; the next he couldn't even be the caddy. One day he could Lear jet across the country to see the heavyweight bout at the Mirage in Vegas, the next he couldn't afford a city bus across town.

The first thing to go is the business man's empire. The market crashes; his assets tumble. What was liquid is now dry. What has been up now spirals down. Stocks go flat and the business man goes broke. There he sits in his leather chair and soon to be auctioned off mahogany desk when the phone rings of calamity number two: The kids were at a resort for the holidays when a storm blew in and demolished most of the resort and there is no way to know if they are safe or not.

Shell shocked and dumbfounded the business man looks out the window into the sky that seems to be getting darker by the minute. He starts praying telling God that things couldn't get any worse...and that's exactly what happens. He feels a pain in his chest that is more than last night's ravioli. The next thing he knows, he is bouncing in an ambulance with wires stuck in his chest, and needles stuck in his arm. He ends up tethered to a heart monitor in a community hospital room  with an illegal immigrant next to him that can't speak English."

I know this story is an extreme example of chaos and it doesn't even register in comparison, but the same situations apply in different scenarios including Internet Marketing. Like when you spend hours writing articles that you thought were perfect and no one else seems to think so, or you get the the ole "Google Slap" for your keywords and landing pages that were affordable last week but now your quality score has dropped from 9/10 to 2/10 and their asking $5.00 per click this week. Or when spend all day doing research and implement the perfect keyword density, flow, and resource box only to have a lazy marketer come along and steal your article and not give you credit for it. Or how about getting your site to the first page of the big "G's" S.E.R.P. and then suddenly get kicked into the sandbox without any explanation whatsoever.

Talk about calm turning into chaos! Things can go south very quickly in any ones life, it's how we persevere and move forward after our personal storms that define us and move us into that tiny bracket of less than 5% of those who succeed in this business. I have learned a lot of things here in my time at Wealthy Affiliate, but one of the most important ones is not to ever even consider giving up. Defeat and failure aren't part of the ingredients for long term success and prosperity.


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