All the Best

Last Update: October 20, 2011

So what do you know? This is my first blog here or anywhere for that matter. There will not be any profound words so don't worry about that. I have been a member here for two years now and have learned quite a few things and could learn much more I'm sure. But I think it is time to move on in a few more weeks and get involved in other endeavors.

I have been sent many things from the members here as well as the almighty "Gurus" of the internet. Some were good tools and marketing programs and some were just pure crap. Always remember to do your research before buying.

I will be turning my attention to creating a business presence on the internet and will have to devote many long hours to build it like I want it. And me being on the lazy side will be extremely hard on this poor old body of mine. (lol)

Now for my little pitch of a program I am in. This is a marketing tool with lots of ways to improve your on and offline businesses. Right now it costs nothing to join since it is in pre-launch for a little while longer. Please click on the link and get more info. Not much longer until launch time for this brand new program to enhance your marketing online and off. CLICK this link for more info. =hotbizman

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burntout Premium
Sorry to hear your leaving. I wish you the best of luck in your new focus and hope it's a fast moving train. Best of luck!