First Lens!

Last Update: November 19, 2009

Okay... I have created my first lens on Squidoo. Thanks so much for everyone who helped & offered advice. I used the technique demonstrated in PotPiegirls tutorials.... just to try and see if I could do it. I found out that the process of actually creating a lense has brought me closer to understanding how this thing works. 

If anyone wants to check it out, the address is\nintendoforall

I would appreciate any of you giving it a rating, and as always, feedback is much appreciated!

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sox1n05 Premium
Very good lens! It's clean and straight forward. If I could make a recommendation (and this is STRICTLY my opinion), I would only have one "my favorite link" and I would put it towards the bottom. Just my opinion!

Oh and your link is listed improperly on your blog :) The slashes are flipped!