Posts by Hudson 4
I haven't tried to publish many articles over the past few weeks as I rewrote part of my web site, brought in images, took some more training on board, did some more research , joined Jaaxy and played with that, found some keywords and then started writing.Anyway today I had finalised my next article so into Street Articles we go.No problem with getting my draft into the article space, from MS Word.Spent a few minutes rewriting a few points - not too much because I tend to spend far too mu
We often think we can just muddle through when we come up against problems and the proverbial brick walls as we work through our WA courses in building an on line business, don't we?It can be anything from writers block to frustration because we don't understand something we have to do. Or we have an idea for something new and can't seem to see how to do it.Sometimes we get very engrossed in what we are doing and often don't think outside the box.It can have results which are ver
I had an interesting time last week, revolving around two mistakes I made and how these were resolved. .Can we learn anything from this?Firstly I tried to write my first blog and couldn't get it to save. Sent a note to a colleague in WA and confirmed with him that my blog should save and that it isn't moderated. (Many thanks Shawn). Okay so I try again. I wrote the Blog on "picture re-sizing" and where it said add tag I put in what I thought was a tag or two. To me this was two words in
June 27, 2012
I had a problem with adding images to my articles because they were always to big to upload. Where I live Internet is not broad band so I could only upload small pictures – meaning 25KB. Went on to Google and typed in “how do I resize my pictures” and up came – Free On Line Picture Resizing, at www This solved the problem in one go, and is indeed free. It takes a little bit of getting used to so here’s a quick run through for anyone that would like