About Hysecure
Joined June 2009
I'm Tse Liang from Penang, Malaysia. Just start to learn on internet marketing since last week and wish to learn some extra income. Currently I'm a full-time production maintainance technician at factory somewhere at Penang. Facing some financial difficulties because my company starting to implement paycut, retrenchment and so on to survive current recession period.

I here wish everyone all the best and of course for myself too...

Tse Liang aka hysecure (in forum)
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
hysecure Premium
Hello WA members, I'm Tse Liang from Penang, MY. Newbie on the road.... Cheers
hysecure Premium
Hello buddies.... would you like to follow me in twitter? http://twitter.com/hysecure

Thank you
hysecure Premium
I'm just launching new site "http://theplatinumbeauty.blogspot.com/" Please take a look and comment.. Thank you