About IAM
Joined August 2008
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guitar fire Premium
Nice to have you here at WA! looks like you have had some time to get established and know your way around.
Wish you great success,
Guitar fire,
guitar fire Premium
Hi IAM stands for what I thought it did you go you two!!!
Guitar fire,
guitar fire Premium
Hey that's great! You are really on the right track and will do great here with the greatest guide of all on you side.
guitar fire Premium
Hi Salena and Karriem,
You are welcome! How are you doing here at WA so far? Great I hope. Never seems to be enough hours in a day to get everything done we want to do.
guitar fire Premium
Hi looks like you are making a very wise decision to get back to your start. That is the biggest problem I have here and that is to spend enough time to absorb and learn each thing before going on to the next. Like a kid in a candy store. So too need to back up and re do some things.
guitar fire Premium
Hi I AM,
How are you guys doing? Great I hope! What is new with your IM efforts?
Here's some gold for a really neat couple,
guitar fire Premium
Thanks for the gold you two and also for writing back so soon. It is always good to hear from you.
I can echo what you said about not being where we want to be...but we will press on.
Bless you both,
IAM Premium
Hi Sandi, thanks for the welcome. Karriem and I are looking forward to much success here with WA. We would also like to wish you the best of luck as well. God Bless!

Salena and Karriem, IAM!
IAM Premium
Hi Sandi,

I just wanted to comfirm because I blacked out on doing it before, yes, I Am does stand for exactly what you thought.

Salena and Karriem, I AM!
IAM Premium
Thanks for the gold Sandi...we really appreciate it.

Salena and Karriem, I Am
IAM Premium
Hi Sandi,

Well, Karriem and I have decided to go back to ground zero because we have put the cart before the horse and need to back up and get things going in the correct order. We are certain that once we get back on track we will be runnning full steam ahead and make the money that we came here to learn how to make. I hope that your experience is a little better than ours has been, although we can't say ours has been bad, just overwhelming. Good lick with everything and let us know how you are doing.

God bless,
Salena and Karriem
IAM Premium
Hi Sandy, we are not where we want to be, but we are certainly not where we used to be. Man, does that sound familiar? Lol! We are hoping to have our lenses up with Squidoo soon. The moment we do I will let you know. How are you doing with your venture? Keep us posted!

Here is some gold for you as well!