About Iblloyd7
Joined May 2008
Hello all I am a married father of three boys and very eager to learning this internet marketing thing. I hate corporate america and I am trying to find my own way. I think this is a good way to start. I would really appreciate any help tips or friends to learn from and or share my ideas with. this really seems like a good friendly place to start. Feel free to holla... lataaz!!!
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iblloyd7 Premium
Hello all!!! Im very new to affialite marketing but i am veryexcited about doing it and prospering in it!I'm always open for suggestions and always willing to help others which is why im in this to start with and the fact that I can make a really nice living from this. Any ways Thats me!!
iblloyd7 Premium
yeah that is true. I learn quite a bit from this place. I love it here so much opportunity. I had to realize that I had to find 1 way that worked for me and stick to it. Persistence is a must in this business. Persistence and continous learning. Being distracted by the internet is a very big downfall for most. You have to learn to use your time wisely or you will definitely lose it and time is very valuable in this business. You have a young mind you should catch on a lot quicker than me lol. You should do great here! If I can help you in any way please don't hesitate to mention it! I love helping people!
Nora Premium
Thanks for the welcome.