NEW YEAR - Goal for the coming 2012

Last Update: December 31, 2011

Times flies...another year has past by. Looking back, i am still far from my goal of gaining a living online enough to quit my tiring Day Job.

There're countless times that i felt like throwing in the towel, going back to reality of working for people. Often asked myself is this whole internet marketing right for me?
Family and girlfriend threw bad comment about me, saying that i'm just trying to reach the sky and not being realitic, ...Very disheartening!

So i spend my whole of last day of 2011 doing a deep soul searching!

My problems lies largely on lacking of ...FOCUS... FOCUS and FOCUS....lack of concrete guidance and action plan!

Decision "Commitment"

From 2012 onwards.... I am going to commit in doing my daily task diligently for my campaign. I'm going to focus in ONE campaign. I'm going to AVOID being suck into buying shining products. I'm going to spend my time wisely by allocating specific time to do my internet business. I'm going to spend 20% time learning and 80% Doing what i learnt

- to make 100 day consistently by end of Sept 2012
- give my best to contribute things i know within WA community [working towards travelling to Vegas so I can meet great successful marketers liked Kyle, Carson, Travis, Marcus, Ryan, Jay and many more....
- build a solid foundation and name for my local seo business with things i learnt here
- Cleared off my credit debts by end of June!
- Earn enough online for my monthly expenses

All the best dear friends.


Alan aka Imganz


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