I Count My Blessings...

Last Update: May 15, 2010


There are a lot of things I am truly thankful about. In fact, I can't even count them!

The fact that I'm alive, happy and healthy is truly a blessing. Not to mention a loving and supportive family, and  FRIENDS all over the world!

And more...

For having been able to do the things I'm passionate about

For my site/blog that's built around my passion: singing and writing (www.computerkaraokesoftware.com)

For my article that went live at EzineArticles.com (Computer Karaoke Software: A Smart Way to Deal With Stress)

For my friendly and supportive community here at Wealthy Affiliate University

... and still counting!

Truly, the essence of happiness and success lies in doing the things we love and loving the things that we do.


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Inday Premium
Thanks guys! I've noticed that you're always there to welcome or to offer some help or express kind words that inspire, motivate or lift up the spirits of your co-members, especially the newbies like me.
You are truly a blessing... I'm sure if not to many people, to some at least!
Keep up the good works guys, and I wish you more love and blessings, and massive SUCCESS in everything that you do!!
Jamie Smith Premium
You continue to count your blessings and follow your passion, that combined with hard work is a guaranteed path to success! Nice to have ya in the WA family.
jatdebeaune Premium
Inday, I so agree. Your blessings will multiply. All the best to you.