About Iwanttoquitmyjob
Joined August 2008
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Hello everyone! I guess I can say I attend university now ha ha!
hey evryone, I don't know why, but I took a break from this marketing gig. Before I saw wealthy affiliate, I was doing this ppc al alone, buying e-books and going know where, but still super excited about how much cash I could be making. Then, I joined wealthy affiliate and went through 2 weeks of the action plan, got board and kinda mad, and just stopped. Then, 4 months later, I began thinking about it again and its time 4 me to get excited again and hopefully kick some ass! I'll start buy finishing the action plan..... I noticed there has been some success stories sense I left, some of them joined after me!!! Better get on this!
Watchdog Premium
Hey iwanttoquitmyjob, easy to get hyped up and then come down off the high. It's common. Many success stories everyday so I think you made the right decision to come back to WA. As for PPC, how did you do on your own??
guitar fire Premium
Hey kid,
We all want to quit our jobs around here and yes you can now say you are in a 'university' and welcome to it!
Wish you the best,
Guitar fire,
guitar fire Premium
You're such a kick! The profile name you chose is every ones story here so you know you have come to the right place. Now the fun begins...dig in to the 8 week course and learn as much as you can from the forum.
They say read as many of the 'sticky notes' as you can but brilliant here has not figured out which are the 'sticky notes.'
Enjoy the journey,
hey guitar fire! thanks for the welcome message! Ya, I have been doing ths "adwords" thing for a bit now, and always thought I would end up joining WA. Now here I am! I have made a couple bucks here and there, but I feel like I am getting no where, and I need help!!!! So I figure why not join???