About Jabez
Joined July 2008
I hardly know what to tell you about myself. I'm from the heart of the deep South, but have lived in other parts of the country so my drawl is not as pronounced as some think it should be. I am the youngest of five children, and was spoiled by my wonderful older siblings my entire life.
I have children and wonderful grandchildren. And, yes, they are more beautiful, talented, and brilliant than anyone's.
I worked for 35 years for the federal government. I loved going to work (it sure beat cleaning and cooking!). I learned early that an employer would train an employee to do the job for which he was being paid -- but nobody trained me to cook and clean. I loved my job, but when it was time to go, I was ready.
After receiving a total hip replacement and having two stokes, I find that my wings have been clipped, and I stay close to home these days whether I like it or not.
I survived widowhood, and found a wonderful fellow with whom to share my life. My favorite thing to do, aside from sprinkling stardust in the lives of my grandchildren, is read.
My husband and I had three wonderful children, two sons and a daughter. The older son is an aeronautical design engineer (has a masters in business), the younger one was an aspiring carpenter. My daughter who majored in political science and Spanish, was killed in an auto accident last year. The younger son has melanoma cancer. When he refused traditional medical treatment I thought I'd never breathe again. He chose the holistic approach to healing, and even though doctors were surprised to see him at his three month check up, he is now in his fifth year. Must be something to the holistic stuff. He is the father of the those wonderful grandchildren!
One of the reasons I want to learn internet marketing is to be able to give my son some relief from financial stress. I can only imagine his pain at being unable to make a living for his family.
I think I can become a successful internet marketer because I have the time to devote to learning the internet marketing business. And, I'm terribly determined.
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Jabez Premium
Today is really my very first day. I'm reading through the beginner stuff. I'm not gonna say it isn't scarey, but I'm excited about starting a new career. I worked many years, and have been retired a few. It is now time to get busy planning the rest of my life. And it's gonna be good!
Jabez Premium
I feel so overwhelmed! Family responsibility kept me away for several days (and will again), and now I feel like I must start all over again. I started to review Week #1.
I am a literal thinker, so I try to follow each step exactly, but something is missing for me. I do not understand the language used: backlink, landing page, upload, and others that I can%u2019t think of at this moment. Today I can%u2019t even find my back to what I was doing yesterday. When I%u2019m working on a page and there is a subject I%u2019m supposed to go to and read and follow the instructions, I find that many times the instructions are not clear enough for me.
I know I%u2019m intelligent. I worked for 35 years at a responsible job and earned a decent salary. I am a grandmother, but my brain is not dead. I have always thought I could learn anything anyone could teach.
From what I read in the Forum, the material WA presents is great. But the authors presuppose I know more than I do.
I%u2019m an owl, not a lark, and I work at this during the evening hours when my mind works best for me. I%u2019m always wishing there was someone who knew something that I could talk to when I get stuck (which is very often).
I wonder if I had an ad going would I be able to gather information from it and apply what I learn to the next one. I haven%u2019t made a webpage because I don%u2019t understand the instructions.
I have spent thousands of dollars looking for an internet business, and each time I invested that company was going to be THE right one, according to them, yet there has been nobody to help. WA is, by far, the best I%u2019ve found, but I%u2019m struggling so very badly.
Does anyone else feel this helpless and overwhelmed? Is there an answer for me?
Jabez Premium
Thank you John. I appreciate the response. Thank you for the kind words. I haven't seen my grands (isn't that a wonderful word) in a long time. They live in California in the mountains where it snows.
I have been in touch with Carson (not both) and we are going to help me get started in just a few days. My daughter was killed this afternoon in a car accident. I must wait until I can think a bit more clearly.
I don't know if I want to try writing articles yet. From what little I've read, I don't feel like I know enough about anything to write 500 word. See ya,
Jabez Premium
Since my profile was written, my daughter (my only daughter) who had the serious heart problem was killed instantly in an auto accident. Her death was traumatic enough, but my sons and I have had to fight an ex-husband in court. I could go on and on. But the bottom line is that God is real, and He will keep me in perfect peace. I've been to California to check on the cancer-son and family. Good news there -- he has decided that God does have a plan, and he thinks death right away is not in the plan. One can't live as long as I without facing some very stiff hurdles. My perfect life (or life in a bubble, my children called it) fell apart when my husband of 31 years died of cancer. God and I weathered that storm, and many more since then. Thank you for your prayers. Now, if my mind is clear enough, I shall get to work learning about internet marketing. I surely don't know much, and I will start on lesson #1.
lisah Premium
I feel the same way.... like I am doing something wrong. I am very bright but feel like such a dummy with most of the language as well. All I can offer is moral support but maybe that will work for now :)
Jabez Premium
Thanks Lisah. Just knowing I'm not alone helps. I wonder if I need a computer class, yet I read that if one can send email one can do this. But I wonder what is missing.
eaptcb3577 Premium
Oh my, you are a very strong woman to be able to cope with such tragedy. Clearly the good lord is in your corner to keep you calm through all that you have endured. May god continue to bless you and your family.
nikao Premium
hi jabez! thank you for your encouraging comments on my sharezone tutorial! it's good to see you back at WA! i read your profile, and was speechless. you have been through a lot. i prayed for you and your family. may God lead you closer to Him and to His will for your life, even as you spend time here in internet marketing. Consider me you friend. God bless you much.
cocobolo Premium
Hi Jabez, I had to come looking for you to thank you for posting on my sharezone article. Gold for you! So far, I have had 3 heart attacks, so I hear your concern about your daughter. Please give her my best regards. You have such a fantastic attitude considering all that has gone on, and indeed is still going on, in your life. I wish you only the greatest success here, and if there is anything at all I might be able to help with, you know where I am.
cocobolo Premium
Oh, Good heavens, I had no idea. I truly cannot even begin to imagine what that must have been like for you. Sometimes this world is so unfair. And yet I suppose we all have to try to find the silver lining, or look on the bright side. This makes me wish even harder for your success here. Every little bit helps, and if there is anything i can do at all, please ask. I'm certainly not much good yet, but I will learn and I will eventually get good at this.
cocobolo Premium
That's exactly right J, I think that applies more to us....how can I put this gently...slightly more experienced folks, our memories aren't quite what they used to be. Speaking strictly for myself that is. I'm pretty sure that once I have my first ANYTHING done, I'll be fine. And I'm equally certain you will be too.
Jabez Premium
Hi Cocobolo, Thank you for your kind thoughts, especially where my daughter is concerned. You have no way of knowing that my daughter was killed last September in a vehicle accident. And you can tell, I still have the need to talk about her. In the early 90's, she was bitten by a deer tick and diagnosed with Lyme Disease. This was just after folks stopped dying from Lyme Disease, but one of the possible effects of Lyme Disease is an enlarged heart. When we discovered the heart problem in July, the only thing doctors could decide caused the problem was Lyme Disease, which she had had. Doctors gave her a fifty percent chance of living five years. She was doing everything she was told to do -- got her affairs in order, dieted strictly, etc. But she was going downhill at a rapid clip. The diagnosis came on July 12, the accident that claimed her life on September 12. I'm a believer! I was raised to believe that God is Sovereign, and He is in control no matter what the circumstances seem to be to me. Well, doctors say the accident was so bad that her brain did not have time to process the happening before she was dead. As much as I miss her -- and I miss her terribly -- I'm thankful that the suffering is over. The inability to breathe was taking its toll on her. I was already wondering how I could incorporate her and her animals (she had horses, dogs, and cats that were more than precious to her) into my home, or should I try to move in with her. At this time, I'm even thankful that she had no children. I wonder if I could handle grieving children and a grieving mom, too. Yet, God is good.
Now that I've properly bored you to tears, may I say again, I appreciate your kind thoughts and that post you made comparing building a business to building a house. That's creative -- and right on! Without a foundation, I'll never get the roof on.
Blessings on you and yours.
Jabez Premium
Thanks for the offer. And I just may call on you. From what I read here at WA, many people are very helpful. Once I am able to identify a specific problem, someone is willing to direct me to the answer. That's awesome! With so much greed in the world, these people are so willing to share their knowledge and wish us newbies well.
I think I'd like to start out with some really simple, like just referring potential buyers to the business who is selling the item. But I haven't figured that out yet.
I'm not in the least discouraged. I find that the more I read, the more likelihood I am to recognize something. It is said that when we introduce brand-new material to our minds, it takes about seven times before it begins to stick. Then when we run across that information again, the brain recognizes it. That's about where I am, reading and waiting for something to stick.
And, you can tell, there are days when can't concentrate as well as others. After daughter's death, I pretty much dropped off for several months.
When I see something (for free) that might give me some clues, I sign up for it. I know that one day all that I've been reading and pouring over will begin to click and then it's gonna be off to the races.