About Jack Bauer
Joined October 2008
Three words that describe me: Hard-working, alpha male, jackhammer.... Merciless.. Insatiable...

That show gets me every time.

But really who I am and why I am here. I'm Travis... The other Travis. I'm 24 years young and I know the power of leveraging your time. Too many people throw away their hopes and dreams while they trade time for money working a 45 year plan for someone else. Well NOT ME. I respect hard work and I work hard at what I do, but it's much better to work smart.

My secular goals:
-Learn trend analysis and how to enter tightly focused niches
-Develop researching skills to determine what people want and how to give it to them

By November 16th: Make 50 dollars in the first month.
By December 16th: Make 100 dollars in the second month
By January 16th: Make 200 dollars in the third month
By February 16th: Make 400 dollars in the fourth month
By March 16th: Make 700 dollars in the fifth month
By April 16th: Make 1000 Dollars in the sixth month

Friend me or leave me a comment and I'll see you at the top!

*****Feel free to ask me questions about your computer hardware and operating system related problems on my space. I am a network administrator during my dayjob and I want to help.*****
Jack Bauer's Accomplishments

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Recent messages
LouisJ Premium
Hi Travis,

I will see you at the Top.

wassup with 24????
Jack Bauer Premium
Welcome to the site Louis! Glad to have you here.
Phil Tucker Premium
Hi Jack,
You seem very enthusiastic... Keep it up.
capitals Premium
I found it,thanks for the help.
I'm just finishing my first week,so I think a better wait till I take
a few more lessons before I start asking any questions.
Hi Jack - funny post today! PS Are you in the UK? (joke,,,,,, that looks like a Tescos milk carton lol ! Of course I may be wrong......) As for me, still stuck in week 6!
ha ha, but I asked him to make me look like Sarah Palin lol !
Jack Bauer Premium
Hey there! No, I'm from Texas... My mother used to work for British Airways, I like london a lot. Maybe I'll get to live there after I build my business. :)
Jack Bauer Premium
Your photographer is horrible! ... JK :P
That is a great idea, putting your wa_space link in your forum signature..

I must copy that!
So far IM is going VERY slowly for me.
I already make some half decent money with Adsense with all the free traffic I get, but making money with Affiliate stuff is a lot harder so far...
So far aint made much progress as there is so much competition.
If you are going to get a load of clicks (at a reasonable price) then you will need to make a LOAD of different landing pages on a load of different aspects of weight loss - which will be pretty time consuming... :-(
So far I only got round to creating a 'wedding weight loss' page / realted ad groups in Adwords.
see http://highestweightloss.com/wedding-weight-loss.php

NB - well done for getting into this sooner rather than later (I wish I had started this about 10 years ago, I am also STILL a network administrator - and for far too long I just carried on working for someone else without really thinking about where I was going) .

NB if you want to see what I spend the majority of my spare time on (of which I have very little having 2 small daughters).. see:-


(My main money maker being http://www.irishviews.com)
NB - if you are going to promote STF, then there are some comments in the forums that it is NOT the best in the weight loss category (but I am not sure to be honest what there is that is better I guess best to find at least one alternative or more and add them to the bottom of your landing/review page...
NB - another 'niche' worth looking into is geo targetting of specific products.

e.g. 'lose weight Nottingham' , 'lose weight Belfast' - then I guess you could use PHP to insert the right keywords in your landing page depending on which ad was clicked so it looked like:

"looking for a weight lose club in Belfast? - don't do it - this product is guaranteed to save you money etc etc..."

I thought of this as it was one of the things mentioned when I signed up to 'Sit Stay Fetch' of which I put a banner on my 'Brown Labs' page on irishviews.com which has so far got loads of clicks but no conversions.. (story of my life with untargetted, free traffic)..
From Wikipedia:-

"Nota bene is a Latin phrase meaning "note well," coming from not%u0101re%u2014to note. It is in the singular imperative mood, instructing one individual to note well the matter at hand. (The pluralis form is notate bene.) In present-day English, it is used to draw the attention of the reader to a certain (side) aspect or detail of the subject on hand, translating it as "pay attention" or "take notice". It is often written in the abbreviated form: N.B."

(Or maybe you were being facetious?)
Jack Bauer Premium
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