Happy Birthday to me

Last Update: August 19, 2016

So for those of you who don't know, I wish to share.

Today is my birthday and the kids and I baked a lot of cakes last night, this morning we surprised my colleagues and we had a huge eat out, chocolate cake, vanilla cake and red velvet cup cakes. As I am typing this instance, my stomach is as hard as a rock because I made sure to enjoy that cake with my colleagues.

And for the weekend my wife will barbeque some meat but as we say in Afrikaans we will have a perfect African (Braai) and an (offal poitjie), so for those who don't know, an offal poitjie consist of sheep/goat legs, head and some of the internal stuff, very delicious though, I know some people don't like this and especially having to read about it but I promise you it looks and tastes much better than it sounds.

To top it all up I am wearing my birthday gift, a shoe I would under normal circumstances not buy because it is too expensive U$35.00, in our country it is too much money to spend on a shoe (N$450.00) and that's why it's got me so excited.

So I wish you all a lovely weekend.


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