Posts by James Doro 3
I know WA isn't much of a political community, but I am very excited after my Iowa Caucus's where Ron Paul came in the top 3, just behind Romney and Santorum. Romney and Santorum were seperated by just 8 votes, but in grand scale of things each candidate got 7 delegates towards the RNC in June.This is a MAJOR win for Ron Paul who is continously black balled by the media. It really irritates me how the media ignores Dr. Paul. He is the only candidate who actually cares about personal liberties a
January 01, 2012
I usually don't get big into New Years and all, but the ending to this year has me very excited for whats ahead. This last week of 2011 has brought a first for me. I had 2 consecutive days with at least one sale! Unreal :) Although it was only 1 sale each day it is still really cool to know while I was at Yankee Stadium, for the Pinstripe Bowl, cheering on my Iowa State Cyclones I was making some money. Seeing this has really motivated me to get after IM even harder. I need to not let things lik
Hey everyone. I have been noticing lately that it seems to be getting harder and harder to get answers or feedback on the forums. I am getting less views and everything seems to be down. Also it seems days at a time before I see NEW members on the homepage. Is this just me or have others noticed this as well?  Also since I have people here reading my first blog (hopefully) could you take a minute and look at my web page promoting Satellite Direct?  This is my first real landing page th