1st Quarter 2012

Last Update: January 07, 2012

1st Quarter 2012 is off and runnin'. I wish the WA family worldwide great success and lots of fun this year. Since both Google+ and youtube are powerful tools, I want to share this article to help be a blessing to the family.

http://thenextweb.com/google/2012/01/07/deeper-google-integration-starts-showing-up-on-youtube/?awesm=tnw.to_1Cbfd&utm_campaign=social media&utm_medium=Spreadus&utm_source=Twitter&utm_content=Deeper Google integration starts showing up on YouTube

Please feel free to add me onto your Google+ crew ...



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WriterGig Premium
I haven't ventured into Google+ yet. One more social network ... why is it important?
Jamie Smith Premium
If you already have a gmail account, Google+ is something that you can use in your social networking. Another source of free traffic and good branding in my opinion.
tcmark Premium
Google+ is one to keep an eye on and make use of. For sure
Labman_1 Premium
Thanks Jamie, added you to my G+ Circles
Jamie Smith Premium
awesome, I have a sea of G+ invites sitting in there, I will make sure we are linked up