
Last Update: July 20, 2012
My heart and prayers go out to EVERYONE affected by the tragedy shooting in Denver last night at the midnight premier of the new Batman film!
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Sherion Premium
This is just too sad...
Shawn Martin Premium
Moment of silence.......
My heart goes out to all affected unfortunately these darker movies seem to inspire the darker side of these evil folk. One wonders if the Revelation of St John is upon us?
fishing Premium
Toronto Canada had a similar shooting the other day 2 dead 20 injured at some sort of a street picnic....what is going on in the world today if it is not terrrosits it is your own country man....19 year old arrested...waste of life....
angel688 Premium
My heart goes out those affected by the shooting. It is sad to think that now you can't go to a movie without wandering if you are going to shot or kill. I pray that God will comfort them and I pray that there will not be copycats as others go to the movies.