2 Years

Last Update: October 11, 2011

I joined the WA family 2years ago today on October 11th 2009. By far one of the best choices I have made during my successful career. I have learned so much and feel truly blessed to be surrounded with all of you wonderful members of the WA family around the world. Not to mention all the great tools and resources within WA of course. It is the love and the good vibes from the WA family worldwide that really make an impact on my life.

I want to take this moment to give SERIOUS props to my mentor Jay, I am forever grateful to you!

Thanks once again to Jay, Kyle, Carson, Marcus, Travis, and sister Louise who continue to go above&beyond on all levels.

onward and upward

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jatdebeaune Premium
Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary Jamie! I just passed the 2 year mark too. I've really enjoyed being part of this great adventure with you. Love your enthusiasm and constant love vibe. And Jay does ROCK!
burntout Premium
Your insight and respect for the human soul is an enviable quality that even a dumb republican redneck from Idaho respects. I admire the strenghth of any man who is true to his own ambition. Congrats on your two year mark and I look forward to your continuing presence.
muskyblood Premium
Hey Jamie,
I have not interacted with you so much in my 2+ years here. It's time that changed though. I see your positive posts and entries and I wish I could maintain the positive outlook you do. Serious congrats to you for your achievements! I think your great attitude and positive vibes bring a lot to the table here at WA. Cheers to your accomplishments, and I hope to get to know you more in the future. Thanks for all of your contributions to the community!
Tinydot Premium
Happy Anniversary!
Jamie Smith Premium
One Love