Arts Advocacy Day Minnesota

Last Update: March 08, 2011

Today is Arts Advocacy Day in Minnesota

March 8th 2011

Each year, Minnesota Citizens for the Arts invites Arts advocates at the Minnesota History Center and State Capitol to talk about the Arts, make new friends, and educate legislators about the importance of the Arts to Minnesota. Through this big day today March 8th 2011, we show the strength of Minnesota's Arts community.

I will be the first to admit I am terrible with pop culture. I rarely listen to mainstream music these days and don't buy my music at SprawlMart. I took my headphones off during my cool-down on the treadmill last night to listen to a few mainstream selections on XM Radio. All three songs in a row had a I IV II V chord progression, singing through the auto tune, hand claps on everything, and mastering that is brutal on the senses. Props to all the musicians and producers who take the time to compose and record quality music. I feel terrible for all the wonderful kids who won't get music education in schools due to budget cuts to the Arts.

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Jenmuso Premium
Good on you for plugging an important event! Its a shame that music education is not considered very important - its the same here in Australia. Clearly the bureaucrats that decide what is important in the school curriculum have never heard of the research that shows that studying music helps build strong connections between the left and right hemispheres of the brain!
jatdebeaune Premium
Love Flight of the Conchords. Jane Lynch has come into her own. She was also great with Meyrl Streep in Julie and Julia.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Joan, well said. Like I mentioned earlier, I am terrible with pop culture. LOL Since I watch very little television these days, I have actually never had a chance to watch Glee yet. But I have been a fan of Jane Lynch for many years. So nice to see her finally getting her props. Here are two clips from the Simpsons that my wife Elizabeth showed me. The 1st clip from the episode where Lisa Simpson goes to art camp features the Glee crew and has that classic Brian Wilson hook. and the send clip is my personal favorite which features Flight of the Conchords.
jatdebeaune Premium
I know. The arts are important to our culture. Not superfluous. Education is limited without the arts. Deprives the kids of the good stuff. Imagine Glee without music.