
Last Update: February 05, 2012

I would first like to start my blog by saying THANK YOU once again to everyone involved in making our Offworld vs BassDrive event in Birmingham UK last night such a success! The UK is famous for shutting down when it snows and yet the venue was jam packed. I want to give SERIOUS props to all our wonderful fans that flew in from all over the world, spending lots of money on travel expenses and braved the snow to attend. I also want to thank the thousands of wonderful fans worldwide streaming the event LIVE on

People ask me how the BassDrive brand can make a person decide to use their valuable vacation time, spend thousands of their hard earned $$ to attend our events. My best advice is that we over deliver with a quality product and treat fans with respect as members of our family.

I respect our fans like this clip, I will go out of my way to share the love and good vibes.


People have been blowing up my phone and blasting me with emails today about the Superbowl. To be honest as always, I personally could care less about football or Madonna for that matter. I don't even know who is playing in the game today. But as a marketing consultant, although I won't give up 4hours of my extremely valuable time, I can't help but be impressed with all the great marketing that takes place during the Superbowl. Branding has a powerful impact towards people of all ages and of all backgrounds as shown in this clip.


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