flash banners

Last Update: June 26, 2011

I am looking for a reliable person to design flash banners for our Drum&Bass record label Urban Chemistry Recordings. If you have those kind of skills and are looking to take on new projects, please feel free to send me a PM.

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LittleRhody Premium
Try my man Stanley in Malaysia at yinnpixel.com , Tell him Jim the ticket site guy referred you. He does all my work although I have not had any flash done he handles that too.
slayton1s Premium
Actually, on 2nd thought...I don't think I'm the best guy for it. I'm not real familiar with doing it. Especially if your wanting somebody to have it custom made and not template based. Good luck with that project. I noticed you've had that on the job site for a while now.
slayton1s Premium
I can try. Give me the details and I'll tell you if I can or not. I know a little about it. I'm sure Jay or somebody like that would do better than me however.