Guitar Hero

Last Update: February 10, 2011

It was announced that the Guitar Hero franchise is being shut down. Twitter is blowing up today with so many people around the world talking about the end of that video game. As with most aspects of pop culture, things go in cycles. This chapter is closing, and now the market has shifted to "Rock Band". I have no problem with video games, in fact, it makes me smile to see this next generation enjoying any aspect of the Arts.

My background as a musical instructor and vocal coach is also a chapter that has passed. I make way more $$ with marketing thanks to WA and combine those marketing skills with my music industry background. Many kids these days are way more interested in being rock stars than putting in thousands of hours on their instruments like I did over the past 26years as musician. The optimist in me hopes that some of this interest in music from interaction with these video games will lead kids towards the Arts.

there are only 8 notes ... go for it

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Meadow Breeze Premium
I can not imagine, nor would I want imagine a world w/o music! Music makes the colors much more vivid! I enjoy your post.You Rock Jamie!
Jamie Smith Premium
Yep, exactly, there is nothing wrong with being a rockstar. Just refreshing to see people take the time to grow in their musical journey.
Alex Copeland Premium
Hey, nothing wrong with being a rockstar ;) lol!
Jamie Smith Premium
7 notes plus the octave
jnewlon Premium
I thought it was 7