January birthdays 2012

Last Update: January 01, 2012

Cheers to everyone in the WA family worldwide celebrating a January birthday!

my birthday is January 31st


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Ezinewriter Premium
Happy Birthday a bit in advance!
jatdebeaune Premium
Hey, just saw that...Happy Birthday Jamie and Jane!
jatdebeaune Premium
Happy Birthday January born! I have 3 friends and a favorite aunt born in January. Mine is still a month away.
Jane Doe Premium
A very happy B-DAY to you, may you have a great year and may you have great success and may all your online dreams come true and may you have lots of love, joy and happiness in the year to come. I am also a January baby, very in January, the 2nd...

May you have a great 2012!!!
Jamie Smith Premium
HAPPY New Year and wishing the WA family around the world a VERY successful 1st Quarter 2012.
danwarfdrope Premium
I am Jan 10!
Barry Wah Lee Premium
So ho ho, I have just had mine on the 4th! Happy Birthday other January Birthday people!