Jay WAbinar 10/21/2011

Last Update: October 17, 2011

Jay is my marketing mentor

I STRONGLY suggest you enjoy Jay's excellent FREE WAbinar classes and Jay's magistudios blog.

I am re-posting this on behalf of Jay ...



Friday October 21st 2011 5pm PST

Social Media Marketing Strategies Bymagistudios
Are you looking for more exposure to your site and build your online repuation so people feel comfortable to buy from you?

Then Social Media Marketing is your answer.

Learn the strategies needed to accomplish SMM awesomeness with this week's WAbinar.

* Creation of Facebook and Twitter accounts (Where to get started)
* Tweaking the accounts (SEO URL's & graphics)
* Placing social media icons on your website
* Social Media Marketing Strategy.. How to Best use Them
* How to Create a Facebook Fanpage and Why
* Is Google+ Worth it?
* Live Q & A Session

"Regardless of what your experience level is, be sure to jump on board to this WAbinar as there may be one tiny piece of information that you pick up that can make a huge difference in your online business."


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Jave27 Premium
Agreed, these things are priceless.
Jamie Smith Premium