Jay WAbinar 6/29/2012

Last Update: June 26, 2012
Jay is my marketing mentor

I STRONGLY suggest you enjoy Jay's excellent FREE WAbinar classes and Jay's magistudios blog.

I am re-posting this on behalf of Jay ...

Friday June 29th 2012 5pm PST
Increase Conversions with Google Analytics

Member Level: Beginner to Intermediate
WAbinar Objective: To Learn More About Setting Up and Tracking Goals within Google Analytics

Additional Resources:
[Adding Google Analytics to WordPress]

Topics Covered:
* Setting Up Your Analytics Code
* Defining your Conversion
* Goals: Setting Up & Tracking
* How to Track Outbound Links
* Quick Overview of Goal Funnels
* Live Q&A Session

"Regardless of what your experience level is, be sure to jump on board to this WAbinar as there may be one tiny piece of information that you pick up that can make a huge difference in your online business."
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kyle Premium Plus
Jay is the freakin' man!
magistudio Premium Plus
Thanks Jamie!
Jamie Smith Premium