strengthening relationships

Last Update: August 27, 2010

I get asked all the time about my career and any advice to give.

In addition to picking a niche that is a passion ...

Good vibes and hard work are the keys to my success worldwide. I walked through the Bank of America corporate offices one time and their walls are plastered with posters stating that they are not selling but strengthening relationships. That mindset is how I approach things. The sad part is BOA completely misses the mark by treating people with a little money in their bank as a "customer" and people who throw around lots of money in their bank as a "client".

The VIP culture is stronger now more than ever, people want to feel special. My background is in the entertainment industry. I had someone email me the other day from Tokyo Japan saying that they are "just a person in our BassDrive chatroom". I told that woman our station is nothing without our fans. We stream 24/7 for FREE and offer FREE downloads of our archives for people to download onto their iTunes, cell phones, iPods, etc.. We add value to our brand and build fans in the process. Once people become fans, then they bust out their credit cards to spend their hard earned $$ on purchases from our record label and online store. These are the same people that will fly in from other countries to attend our Drum&Bass events.

Please take time to strengthen the relationships with the people who visit your websites, people who follow your twitter, people who subscribe to your blogs, and the people who opt-in to your mailing lists. By providing them value and making them feel welcome, you will be amazed at the long term success your career will have. I go out of my way to make sure my fans receive the VIP treatment. I am still blown away by the power of taking a few minutes out of my busy schedule to talk and hug one of my fans after an event. This classic youtube clip pretty much sums up the good vibes.

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Louise M. Premium
Thank you bro for this awesome post and video! and thanks for the chat (as always!). It's important to care about people in life AND in business.
jatdebeaune Premium
That was really lovely, Jamie. The viewer is a part of the art. If someone doesn't listen to the music, then is the circuit complete? I love the interaction. Don't like it though when I'm on the throes of creating it. Afterward, it's just great. I'd love to see you in concert.