Last Update: June 29, 2010

My nephew Aaron Smith turned 1yr old on Sunday. For those that were asking for an update on my dad, he is slowly recovering from his surgery. I have received so many nice emails, cards, texts, and phone calls from around the world on both of these two very important subjects. I just want to take this moment to say thanks again to EVERYONE in the WA family worldwide for all the love and good vibes. That really means a lot!!

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jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Jamie. Didn't know your dad was ill. Surgery is no fun. Trust he is recuperating nicely and that he enjoys perfect health henceforth. Congrats on your little nephew turning the big "One". Bet he had a nice party. All good wishes for you Jamie. Joan
Smokey and I Premium
Glad your dad is getting better. WA is a real family just helping each other huh
The forum here is something else. Potpiegirl promoted it to me and I just could not believe that it was as good as she said. I have never been on such a knowledge base pertanent to what I am learning. Thanks to you all
Smokey and I