Posts by Jane Doe 25
July 26, 2012
The success I want to share today is the business plan is done, it is perfect and it is awesome and it is done. It is seriously AWESOME. I'll be presenting it to the first person tomorrow who will have a big say in whether I go ahead as planned or if I stop dead in my tracks with this one. I am so excited. Another success for the day, I got my Pinterest account up and running, I made my first pin on Pinterest and I also got some followers on Pinterest already. Isn't it just great. My
I just love IM and EVERYONE here at WA. You are all super cool people. I just hope I can make some of you feel the way I do every day. We all would just have the greatest success anyone can dream about. So, here goes, here is my inspiration for today for every one of you. May it help you to achieve the success you dream about.Happy thoughts make your life and yourself happy, choose your thoughts and feelings carefully, they are all the builders of your life. Also nurture the feeling of succ
July 25, 2012
A few days have passed. I had a plan and I am way behind on my schedule, I have added some stuff to my plan and I have done some of the stuff but not all of it yet. I decided to take the leap and start another business in a nearby town, I am hard at work on the business plan to get it to the bank for a loan ASAP.I plan to resign my "gambling" job next week Tuesday. I am starting a new business and I am growing my IM business. I am selling my parent's business for a commission which will
I just heard this on the radio, and I had to share it with all you very important people in my life who loves a little daily inspiration, and this one is specially fitting for me on this very nice special day.Do not practice and do something until you can do it, you should keep going at it until you can't do it wrong any more. They say practice makes perfect, but you should practice until you can't do it any other way than perfect.
Your mind is the generator of failure, and also the generator of success, so what you think and believe today is what you will live tomorrow.
When the mind thinks of success, the outside world mirrors these thoughts. Success is the outcome of thinking, visualizing, planning and taking action.
July 19, 2012
And it is a GREAT success. I am so proud of myself I could just burst open. Check it out if you like: http://pregnancydietandnutrition.comMy brand new site that I've made with the "your first 10 days" course. I am now officially starting with day 7 of the course. I think my new site looks great, absolutely amazing! And I have a good feeling about this one, I really really believe that this one will make me my first $1000 very very soon. I ask each and every one of you reading this no
The ability to concentrate and to use your time well is everything if you want to succeed in business--or almost anywhere else for that matter.Lee IacoccaGoals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.Brian Tracy, Eat that Frog
July 16, 2012
Hi everyoneIt has been a cold miserable weekend, we are not used to such low temperatures. But besides all that, we are at Monday, and I have not written a blog post for the whole weekend. Not that I did nothing on my internet business all weekend, I did some stuff. Let me tell you about it.I decided to start with a brand new campaign. How exciting. I got some info and ideas together for about 14 articles. So on Sunday I decided I will buy my new domain, get it set up here at WA and start
If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. We should all be thankful for what we have every day.Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.