About Jashco
Joined July 2012
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Thank everyone I sure like what this is all about
Amy Farr Premium
Welcome! I'm still new too (kind of).
They didn't have "Your First 10 Days" when I joined, but I went through it and see it is a much easier intro than diving head first into the 30 days.
I jumped into the "30 Day Success Club" and am on Day 12. Granted, I knew NOTHING about IM. Didn't have a facebook, etc. I have learned mountains of knowledge just from asking questions, reading blog posts, searching for training and watching it and taking notes (lots of notes, I have 2 spiral notebooks getting full!).
All the answers are here. Everything you do is up to you (and it feels great to accomplish it on your own, let me tell ya!)
Much success to you, and be seeing you on the boards!
jespinola Premium
Welcome to WA