Last Update: March 15, 2011

My mug runneth over. Love it! Got a message from EZA that I'm now diamond. However, I did ask them for it. So is that cheating? Well, no matter because however they come, diamonds are a girl's best friend. Now, I guess I have to write more articles so they don't demote me. I needed a lift today and that did it.

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wandah Premium
Congratulations. keep up your good work. It inspires others to do the same
Meadow Breeze Premium
You Go Girl! Congratulations!
mmorales Premium
Awesome...it's a great feeling to be recognized for your accomplishments. Fantastic job!
Labman_1 Premium
I'm lumped in with Wayne. Didn't want me. Guess I don't have enough time served.
Wayne Hudler Premium
Wow that is sooooo cool.

They put a message in my account that I do not qualify. Of course there was no explanation telling why. That is so typical of EZA.