About Wandah
Joined February 2011
Life is good in the mountains of the Elk Valley of Fernie B.C. I am in the process of shifting my focus from a 25 year successful career in Specialized Child Care. The idea of Internet marketing sparked my interest as it offered that awesome concept of being able to work where ever there was a wi fi connection and be able to earn passive income.

My husband and I are looking forward to a spicey retirement full of actitivies we love. Travel, cruises, awesome time with our grandkids,families, and friends mixed with photography, writing, water color painting,gardening, the list goes on. All would be so much more fun backed with a monthly passive income that I know can come from learning to market successfully on the internet.

Little did I know where the last year of learning was going to take me. WOW! I have travelled the nooks and crannies of snooks and takers, and rubbed cursors with some of the best in the internet marketing profession.

I have learned to navigate around the industry, and have gathered some degree of understanding about online marketing concepts.

My partner recently introduced me to WAU . The deciding factor to join this program was the ablitity to have direct contact with professionals who are the core of this awesome looking skill based opportunity.Honest coaching involvement without costly upsells in other programs was seriously lacking.

So here I am looking forward to meeting a whole lot of you folks, and a focused intention that this leg of my learning curve will start to beat a path to the bank.

I love meeting people and invite you to stop by to chat anytime.

Wanda Hamilton
Wandah's Accomplishments

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jpogrins Premium
Hello Wanda... great future for you here... I have a friend who has been a successful internet marketer for more than 10 years and travels extensively with laptop under his arm. Good fortune and fun travels to you and your husband.
JfB (John from Boston)
wandah Premium
Thank you John. Hey you folks have had a tough winter. How are things for you? Your encouragement is embraced. I feel like I am chasing the elusive dream at times . But I my belief that if you can do it so can I keeps me going until I get this.
Looking forward to working with you folks and I am beginning to feel I may have found the spot where this is going to come together.

With a little Help From My Friends of course.
webkab Premium
Welcome to WA. There's lots of information here but don't let it overwhelm you. Do the training, stay focused and best of all go to potpiegirls blog and check out her videos and go up to WAbinars and look for the two videos entitled Affiliate Walkthrough i and 2 by Jay (magistudios) by doing this it will clear up a whole lot of confusion. MUCH SUCCESS
Labman_1 Premium
What! You too? I thought I was the only one. :)
Welcome to WA
wandah Premium
HI . Love your photo. We are animal lovers also. Looking forward to getting to know you and learn everything I can.
wandah Premium
"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one." ~ C.S. Lewis
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family