Don't forget to exercise

Last Update: January 26, 2010

This business can make you sedentary. Not good for your health. I just got back from the emergency room where I was treated for kidney stones. It was horrible. I know it happened because I've been carried away, forgetting to move around enough and drink enough water so as not to get dehydrated. If you've ever had kidney stones, you will do anything not to repeat it. So painful. Drink gallons of water and work out or take a walk or something.  I have a feeling we're all kind've type A's here at WA. You get intense, addicted, and hours pass, and before you know it, you've been sitting for eight hours straight, not even realizing it. Not good. Move around. Dance or something. Save yourself. I'm going back to the gym and taking a six pack of Pellegrino. If you're smarter than I am about protecting your health, then great. If you are the imbalanced "carried away" type. Cryin out loud...MOVE!!!

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fitnessluz Premium
Thanks for the inspiration!!
Who could disagree?
jatdebeaune Premium
You really have to take care of yourself, physically and mentally. A sedentary lifestyle can cause all kinds of health problems if you don't leave at least an hour a day to aerobic movement. Bowling is good.
sox1n05 Premium
That is an awesome point and so true! I have been working SO much on IM that I just got completely burnt out! Between having a full-time job and a family, I had very little time to do anything else - especially be healthy!! Yesterday we had a family day and all went to the bowling alley. It was nice to get away for a little while!
jatdebeaune Premium
It's a wake up call. No joke. Glad if it helped to be reminded.
idm Premium
Your reminder has good timing. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure they say, I agree. I've gotten so sick in the past but am eternally grateful to never have had kidney stones because I've heard horror stories of tough men crying like babies when they passed. Anyway I'm glad you're still here, I think I'll start a new workout routine this week!