Posts by Jatdebeaune 338
Had a nice conversation this morning with a friend about Katie Couric's new book: "The Best Advice I Ever Got, Lessons from Extraordinary Lives"It was an interesting book with celebrity essays/articles on what these accomplished individuals encountered on their paths to success, such as the people they met along the way who acted as mentors, parental influences, even seemingly insurmountable mountains they had to climb in order to "win" at their game.The idea for the book happened as a resul
August 15, 2012
You might know the answer to this.How does one change the order of the boards in Pinterest?I was told there is a button that reads "rearrange boards", but I haven't found it.I've joined two group boards, and they are appearing as the first two boards on my page. I'd like to move them to the end. Would also like to change the order of some of my other boards.Does anyone know how to do that?Many thanks, J.For anybody else who doesn't know how to do this, either follow jpnetco's
August 12, 2012
Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth IIHer Highness is celebrating her 60 years anniversary, as Queen of the United Kingdom. What a great queen she is!I would love to meet her one day.Here is a link to an amazing video. You may have already seen it, but for those who haven't seen it, don't miss it.Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth
You may have gotten this info already, but if not, it can be useful.I'm always on the lookout for free images. And it's worth checking out the public domain content too.Here's the link: Free images and public domain books
or just the accomplishment of getting to the games and competing.What do you take away?At every Olympic event, take time to thank the athletes. They are your teachers.They teach me more about winning and the joy of reaching for excellence, than a million motivational tapes all strung together.You don't have to win a medal to be a champion."Championship" in all seasons, under all circumstances has victory attached to its name. Always.Losing and winning are both a matter of attitude. You never
July 27, 2012
Looking forward to the London games, starting tonight.Best wishes to all the athletes, and thank you to the UK for hosting the event.Don't forget to tune in.Opening ceremony is tonight: "The Isle of Wonder."Telecast at 9:00 PM local time in London, and 7:30 PM, here in the States.Won't be live. There is a tape delay.See you at the games!
What is it about the Internet that causes people to sit at a machine all day long, clicking away, going from one site to another, and completely losing track of time? How do we get so carried away and lost in space?Do you think it's an illness? Frankly, I've seen less commitment from people at the casino, and those people very often look hypnotised, or drugged.Addiction aside, I think the Internet far exceeds the appeal of television. It hits many more of our buttons, to say the least.
Have you joined Pinterest yet? Get started. It's a hoot.Not only can you promote yourself, but it serves as a virtual affirmation board.It gives you an opportunity to pin all the things you like, so it helps you to visualize your ideas better, locate objects you like, new concepts...narrow them down and make them specific, and share them with others. It's like a notebook or sketch book.You also discover what interests you the most. If you have 200 pins on one topic and 3 pins on another,
July 04, 2012
Did you know that the idea for an independent nation was born in England, way before anyone colonized America?The Magna Carta was signed by King John of England in 1215 which put a limit on the arbitrary power of the king, definitely a beginning to lessening control by a monarchy.Even though Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, he was influenced by English philosopher John Locke (1623-1704), who wrote prodigiously about the right to life, liberty, and property.Don't forget
July 03, 2012
I have a tech vex problem I hope you can help me solve.Why is it that my web pages look different on every browser?I like to use Firefox, but noticed my pages look different on Firefox than on Explorer. The text sizes vary from one browser to another. Chrome is probably something else. So this means that visitors see something different, depending on what browser they are using.Is it the fault of the software I'm using?Is there any way to make the pages look the same in all browsers?It'