It Arrived!

Last Update: March 10, 2011


That small square box was in my mailbox this afternoon, and I have to admit, it was fun to receive. I love presents! Very nice touch, from EZA. Now, what to do with my new trophy. My sister wants to mount it on the dashboard of my car. I have a place reserved for it on the book shelf in my office. But the mug looks more utilitarian than trophy-ish LOL. Looks like you should put coffee in it, and it came with a "writer's brew" coffee.  Also a nice touch. To make it more of a trophy, maybe they should have "Platinum" sprawled over most of the circumference of the mug and do it in silver glaze, then do the EZA logo smaller in red under the platinum. Over budget? Perhaps. It could rival an Oscar! Nice affirmation! Much appreciate. Thanks EZA! 

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klrrider Premium
Two thumbs up for you... but the best thing to do with it is.... drink coffee! Unless your not a coffee drinker... hot chocolate then.
Meadow Breeze Premium
Congratulations! Here's to your Success! Nice Smile!
wandah Premium
Congratulations excellent work and contribution should always be recognized. It is good to be in Good Company with such a group of writers within the WAU community.
Labman_1 Premium
Congrats. Wow you got coffee with yours? I don't drink it and don't miss it but it appears that they have upped their game. Nice sized mug eh?
Pounders Premium
Again congrats on your platinum status at EZA. I knew the mug would be on its way soon! Your an excellent writer. You deserved it!