Slap Happy Fun Speeds Up!

Last Update: April 01, 2011

My Wonderful Adventure:

 A laugh for today!...Do you remember I wanted to experiment with longish articles and forgo keyword density, just to see what would happen? I did it.

Submitted an article this morning to EZA. It was approved and indexed by 3:00 this afternoon. Not only that, the title and half of the first paragraph were swiped already and, drum roll...ta da...the swiped version was #1 in Google and I was #2 with the title keyword, and on the third page with another keyword. But the swiped version stayed on top as #1 in both cases.

Will be interesting to see if Google can close in on this practice. Interested to see what happens with it due to keyword density of only .6% for my major keyword. The swiper site had absolutely nothing to do with the topic, so where's the relevancy? Fun to see if  kw density does or doesn't make a difference. The article was 900 words. Length was also part of the experiment.


Day 2: The poacher is a "blog" about everything except what my article is about. The blogger took my title and first paragraph. No link. No authorship. Blog is #1 on Google. I am #6 on page 2. C'mon!

For the complete, exact title, poacher is #8 on page 1. I am NO WHERE.

Put my title in quotes and I was #3,4, 5. Poacher is #1.

How did they do it? What made the difference? Does KW density definitely count? It's worth an article to find that out.

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Behealthy Premium
Hmmm, thats interesting. What links are on the page of the poacher? Is it in an article directory still or their own webpage? Do they have other internal links hidden somewhere or in small print at the bottom or something if its on there own page?. If they do check the page rank of whats linking. You can try and change the PR link value in your article and see what happens.
klrrider Premium
Seems to me that G dosen't really know what to do about their "perceived" problem with search results. Just using everybody as guinea pigs. Problem is, it's their data and since they are the ones who mined it they can do as they wish. They could ultimately be their own worst enemy and destroy their own credibility.
Whistler Premium
"Poaching" like this happens all the time unfortunately. I hate when I spend a long time writing a good article and then other sites just steal the content without even linking to me. But for them to rank #1 and you to be nowhere...that's just wrong. Hopefully things will work out and they will face consequences, or at least your original work will outrank them.
Labman_1 Premium
I think given the circumstances a visit to Webmaster tools and an e-mail to the Google folks would be in order. If they are gonna steal your work then there should be consequences. Especially if they are irrelevant. Google should practice what they preach. Bring it to their attention. A warm body will probably make a difference.
Fallulah Premium
Ok. I'm usually pretty easy going, a 'find the silver lining' kinda person. But y'know? This would just pi** me off. Proper proper pi** me off. Hope somebody gets their just desserts Joan.