About Whistler
Joined June 2008
Hello, I'm a college student trying to earn a little extra money to pay for tuition. Hopefully this WA program will work out for me, though I don't have any IM experience.
Not sure what else to write, so I'll just talk about my hobbies now. I love music, especially traditional Irish music. I play multiple instruments, but am not that good at any of them. Another hobby is woodworking, and I especially enjoy combining these two hobbies to make my own musical instruments.
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peggyh Premium
Hi and thanks! (For all the help I have received from you all over WA)
peggyh Premium
The pictures on my profile are of Waterton Lakes Park in Alberta near where I live.
What are you taking in College and how is that working out for you to be going to school there as well as "university" here? Is it a good compliment or is it a competition for your time?
Have a great day,
Whistler Premium
Hi Peggy, thanks for the nice comment on my space, and the nice PM! I hope everything goes well for you here at WA. Also, those pictures are beautiful!
generacks8 Premium
Hi! just joined a while ago. Just looking for buddies here in this strange (to me, as of now) world of IM, and hoping to get tips specially now that Im just about to get started. I'm getting on this 8-week course now, hopefully i'm going to learn more and start making income.Thanks!
Whistler Premium
Welcome, I'm sure you'll like it here. Like you said, the 8 week plan is a good place to start. If you want to go faster you can do the tutorials in the learning center. This can be confusing, but it will all work out if you work hard. Feel free to ask any questions in the forum or send me a message. Good luck!
Hailliam Premium
Hi Whistler... thanks again for the advice. I went to the site you suggested and it helped a lot. I have another question though (I hope you don't mind). Do you just right click on the image and "Save image as" or do you press the download button.

Also, am I suppose to put a link on picture back to sxc?

I used to work for a law firm and I don't want to infringe on anybodies copyright!!

Any info would be appreciated
Hailliam Premium
Thanks Whistler! You have a really cute cat! I love animals (my house is full of them!!!). Our newest member is going to be a lizard!! I'm not keen on its feeding habits thought!!! LOL

It is very honorable that you are going to college and paying your own way through. Keep it up! You sound like a really nice guy and I'm sure you're going to do great things!

Take care
Whistler Premium
Hi there, that's a cute dog! I know what you mean about putting yourself online....I am uncomfortable with that too so I put a picture of a cat. It's much cuter than me anyway, lol. It sounds like you have a tough situation not being able to spend much time as a family. I hope this all works out well for you. Good luck!
lilymag Premium
Pudge is adorable! My girls like to sleep like that also!
lilymag Premium
Thank you for your kind words...Look forward to seeing you here, and helping each other!
Whistler Premium
Hello Kate, sorry to hear about your dogs. I agree that anyone who does anything to harm animals should be punished. Anyway, good luck on your bum marketing and balancing time with your family.
gkygrl Premium
I am a huge cat lover too Whistler - sending you some gold. Enjoy!

gkygrl Premium
Wow, I was reading your posts and saw that you love "Weebly" ... I'd never heard of this and decided to go look it up. VERY COOL! Another piece of gold for you my friend! :)
gkygrl Premium
BTW, I love your fat cat! Reminds me of a cow with his coloring. I have 5 of them. The biggest is about 22 lbs and the smallest about 7. A nice bunch o' cats. And yes, I DO play guitar (I have a nice Guild Jumbo and an electric Steinberger ... I have not played much recently but enjoy it). I play my drums a bit more - I have Roland VDrums so I don't wake up the neighbors. :) BTW, I love Irish music too (the Penny whistle is beautiful) and played about 6 years in an Irish Bagpipe/Drum band -- I was a Celtic Snare drummer. Fun stuff. Too physical for me now ... but fun when I did it :)

Take care,

Whistler Premium
Thank you for the encouragment and the gold. :) Good luck with your ebook, I hope you do really well with it! Also, I looked at some of your websites and they look really good! The guitar website caught my eye though...it was nice and had some pretty cool Breedlove acoustics. Do you play guitar by any chance or is this just another niche to learn about? Thanks again and good luck with everything you do!
Whistler Premium
Edit....sorry, I finished reading your bio and saw that you do actually play the guitar. Sorry for my dumb question then, lol. Take care!
Whistler Premium
Diana, thanks for the other reply on my space. Wow, 5 cats is a lot! Um...I won't say how many I have. Nice to see another animal lover here. It is also nice to see someone else who likes Irish music. And that's cool that you play guitar. I haven't played a Guild before, but I hear they are very nice. Steinbergers are awesome though. Take care!