About Jayc26
Joined March 2009
Hey my name is John from Tampa, FL. I am new to the marketing game but am very anxious on learning everything their is to know about IM. I am an electrician by trade and the way the economy is it doesn't look like there is much of an opportunity on advancement with how hard construction has been hit by this economic downturn. I have been researching IM for a while now and ended up here. This seems to be a great community to surround myself around as a possible career opportunity.
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Steven.P Premium
i'm a welder myself nice i made three sales myself within my first month my advice put your head down and just work
Steven.P Premium
well honestly i got my first sale from the forums type "internet marketer forums" in google and sign up for all of them after you leave about 10-20 posts on each you can put an ad back to your site.

KEY THING USE THE WORD FREE People including me LOVE hearing the word FREE on Forums even hear in the WA forum you'll notice it. BUT and it's a big BUT you need to build up a repore first. check out http://tinyurl.com/b6u8kv they have video tutorials and they do affiliate marketing at a much more basic easier style Forums are a good way to get exposure and i got 3 sales in two days and 4 referrals. I'm not good at articles yet and at the moment and for me Pay per click is the only way to go!!! Hope this helps
jayc26 Premium
So you in the construction industry to, huh. So you feel were i am coming from. Yo how did you start out and make your sales in the first month? let me in on some secrets. I really ain't trying to pay my bill neither, LOL.
jayc26 Premium
Good info.. I appreciate you