Sometimes It's Ok To Be A Failure

Last Update: April 25, 2010

   Nothing in this world has ever been achieved without someone first falling down. Throughout all of history there are countless stories of men and women who have failed, but they would never let that stop them from learning and achieving what they set out to achieve.

Thomas Edison is a great example of this principle because when he failed he got right back up and tried again. In fact it took Thomas Edison more than 10,000 attempts to make the light bulb work.

 So in my opinion Thomas Edison could have been the Biggest Failure in History


--our way of living would never have been the same without him.

You have to Dream High and set BIG Goals.

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mllnmhawk Premium
This post reminded me of Colonel Sanders, He was refused 1,009 times before he heard his first yes. Another fact is that he didn't take action on his dream until he was about 65 yrs old when he received his first Social Security Check for $105.

His willingness to persevere through his failures and never give up spirit made him his dreams come true.
Louise M. Premium
That's a positive mindset!! I like it! :)
Jazonc73 Premium
Thanks Joan.. Damn the torpedos!!
Totally Jay-- If you haven't Failed then you have not even tried.
i have performed in over 100 different stage productions.. and in my early days MAN i had some really BAD auditions, But i kept at it with FAITH.. Now i can have my pick of which shows and roles i WANT to do.. because i was failure. now i am a success..
magistudio Premium Plus
I personally love to fail as it teaches me what not to do twice. We learn from our failures.
jatdebeaune Premium
I appreciate your positive "can do" attitude. Agree.